"If Everyone Believes It, It's Probably Wrong - The Philosophy of Socrates (& Plato)"
by Pursuit of Wonder on YouTube
by Pursuit of Wonder on YouTube
Introduction to Socrates
The YouTube video above gives an introduction to Socrates the Philosopher.
Some questions for discussion
- What are the main philosophical ideas of Socrates?
- What did Socrates mean when he said: “I know that I know nothing”?
- Why is Socrates an important philosopher and known as the father of Western philosophy?
- Why did Socrates deliberately question and challenge his fellow citizens, despite knowing that he would upset them?
- Socrates upset many important Athenian citizens and was sentenced to death. Was Socrates courageous or foolish?
- How does Socrates’ philosophy relate to Plato’s?
- What is the Socratic problem?
- Socrates had many admirers but also many enemies. If you were an Athenian citizen at the time, would you like Socrates as a friend or teacher or would you find him annoying?
- What is the Socratic method?
- What is Socratic irony?
Some web pages on Socrates
The following web pages provide write-ups on Socrates:
Britannica - https://www.britannica.com/biography/Socrates
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy - https://iep.utm.edu/socrates/
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/socrates/
Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socrates
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