Wednesday, 22 May 2024

Schrödinger's Cat and the Double Slit Experiment


Quantum 101 Episode 4: Superposition Explained | Schrödinger's Cat
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

On 22/5/24, the thought experiment of the Schrödinger's Cat was discussed in class.  

Three interesting questions relating to the Schrödinger's Cat are:
  • What was the original intention of the story?
  • Why does Schrödinger's seemingly paradoxical thought experiment become part of the foundation of quantum mechanics?
  • How would one respond philosophically to the findings of quantum theory?
    • A response to the above is here
The story is related to the double slit experiment as explained below.

Double Slit Experiment explained! by Jim Al-Khalili
The Royal Institution

Additional Information

1.   YouTube video: A Brief History of Quantum Mechanics - with Sean Carroll - The Royal Institution: (The Schrodinger's Cat thought experiment is explained at around 17:25 minutes in this video)

2.  Wikipedia - Schrödinger's Cat:


  1. Naomi Aitchison23 May 2024 at 10:50

    At the end of yesterday's session I felt I understood nothing about inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning, based on the diagrams and explanations provided by the philosophy source that was used. This led me to look elsewhere and I ended up with this, which made absolute sense to me (but I don't know if it meets philosophy's criteria):

    1. Great that you've found something that helps. We'll discuss the topic more in class.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for the Schrodinger's Cat video. I understood what she was saying until she stopped!

  4. I agree that the Schrodinger's Cat paradox is difficult to understand. We will talk about it more in class and hopefully it will be clearer after that. 😊 🙏

  5. When last week I said that Schrodinger was trying to help ppl get their head around quantum mechanics with the cat thought experiment, I was wrong. He was objecting the quantum theory and the cat story was supposed to show the absurdity of the quantum physics theory.

    Also, I wasn't aware how the quantum theory was entangled with philosophy and politics, both in the West and the East.


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