Thursday 4 May 2023

Daodejing - Chapter Twelve


Painting, hanging scroll. Laozi on water buffalo, holding scroll in right hand. Signed and sealed.
 by Igarashi Shunmel, 18th century, paint and ink on silk

道德經  - 第十二章







Daodejing - Chapter Twelve

Colors blind the eye;

Sounds deafen the ear;

Flavors numb the taste;

Thoughts weaken the mind; 

Desires wither the heart.

The master observes the world but trusts his inner vision.

He allows things to come and go, his heart is open as the sky.


  1. The above translation is based on the translation by poet, translator, scholar and anthologist, Stephen Mitchell.  His reading of the work can be found on the following YouTube video: Tao Te Ching, The Book Of The Way by Lao Tzu:
  2. This chapter on the above video starts at 20:50 and ends at 21.40.
  3. You can find the complete 81 chapters of Daodejing in Chinese and English (James Legge version) in the website:

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