Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Introduction to Philosophy

What is Philosophy?

Philosophy is a systematic study of general and fundamental questions concerning topics like existence, reason, knowledge, value, mind, and language. It is a rational and critical inquiry that reflects on its methods and assumptions.

Historically, many of the individual sciences, such as physics and psychology, formed part of philosophy.  However, they are considered separate academic disciplines in the modern sense of the term. [1]

What does the word "philosophy" mean? 

The word "philosophy" literally means "love of wisdom".  The word philosophy comes from the Ancient Greek words φίλος (philos) 'love' and σοφία (sophia) 'wisdom'. [1]

What are the branches of Philosophy?

Let's have a look at the following Wikipedia pages:

Outline of Philosophy

Some Questions for Discussion

  1. Why do people study and practise philosophy?
  2. Is philosophy or the pursuit of wisdom a good thing? 
  3. Is having wisdom sufficient for a person to be a good person?
  4. Is the pursuit of wisdom sufficient for a person to live a meaningful life?
  5. Can the study and the practice of philosophy help to improve the world?
  6. What is or are the aims of studying and practising philosophy?


1. Wikipedia: Philosophy page.

Monday, 3 February 2025

Record of 2024 Discussion Topics

Record of 2024 Discussion Topics

Year 2024

Term 1 started on Wednesday 7th February 12:30 - 1:30 PM in Meeting Room 5 at the Hub.

Term 1 discussion topics

ClassDatesDiscussion Topics
17/2/2024What is Philosophy?
214/2/2024What is Philosophy? Prof. Kaplan
321/2/2024What is Philosophy?  Karl Jaspers
428/2/2024What is Philosophy?  Karl Jaspers
56/3/2024Sources Philosophy, K Jaspers
613/3/2024The Comprehensive, K Jaspers
720/3/2024    Aristotle's Ethics (Helen to take class)
Peter Singer (Helen to take class)

Term 2 discussion topics

ClassDatesDiscussion Topics
117/4/24Critical Thinking
224/4/24Predicament of Existence
31/5/24Myth we need to survive - Yuval Noah Harari
48/5/24Myth we need to survive - Yuval Noah Harari (cont.)
515/5/24Critical Thinking (cont.)
622/5/24Critical Thinking and Schrödinger's Cat
729/5/24Schrödinger's Cat and Double Slit Experiment
85/6/24Schrödinger's Cat and Critical Thinking
912/6/24Critical Thinking
1019/6/24Smell the glove is here

Term 3 discussion topics

ClassDatesDiscussion Topics
224/7/24Socratic method
331/7/24Plato's dialogue - Euthyphro
47/8/24Plato's dialogue - Euthyphro
514/8/24Plato's dialogue - Euthyphro
621/8/24Euthyphro Dilemma
728/8/24Euthyphro Dilemma / Introduction to Ethics 
84/9/24Free will and determinism
911/9/24Free will and determinism / Normative Ethics - Consequentialism
1018/9/24Lunch and chat at Canteen 

Term 4 discussion topics

ClassDatesDiscussion Topics
19/10/24John Rawls - Helen took the class
216/10/24Isaiah Berlin - Two Concepts of Liberty
323/10/24Some questions on the two concepts of liberty
430/10/24Value Pluralism
56/11/24US election news / Value pluralism (cont.)
613/11/24TBD (US news / Some terminology of meta ethics / Liberalism?)
720/11/24Lunch at Blackburn Hotel

Introduction to Philosophy

What is Philosophy? Philosophy is a systematic study of general and fundamental questions concerning topics like existence, reason, knowledg...