"If Everyone Believes It, It's Probably Wrong - The Philosophy of Socrates (& Plato)" by Pursuit of Wonder on YouTube
Introduction to Socrates
The YouTube video above gives an introduction to Socrates the Philosopher.
Some questions for discussion
What are the main philosophical ideas of Socrates?
What did Socrates mean when he said: “I know that I know nothing”?
Why is Socrates an important philosopher and known as the father of Western philosophy?
Why did Socrates deliberately question and challenge his fellow citizens, despite knowing that he would upset them?
Socrates upset many important Athenian citizens and was sentenced to death. Was Socrates courageous or foolish?
How does Socrates’ philosophy relate to Plato’s?
What is the Socratic problem?
Socrates had many admirers but also many enemies. If you were an Athenian citizen at the time, would you like Socrates as a friend or teacher or would you find him annoying?
What is the Socratic method?
What is Socratic irony?
Some web pages on Socrates
The following web pages provide write-ups on Socrates: