Sunday, 31 December 2023

What is Philosophy?


What is Philosophy?  

What is Philosophy? Meaning of Philosophy (30/1/18)

The video above, posted by PHILO-notes, gives a general introduction to Philosophy.

What is Philosophy? (11/3/20)

In the video above Professor Jeffrey Kaplan approaches the question of "What is Philosophy" from looking into questions that university students, who are interested in philosophy, might ask.

What Is Philosophy? Karl Jaspers

The first chapter of the book "Way to Wisdomby Professor Karl Jaspers (23 February 1883 – 26 February 1969) attempts to address the question "What is Philosophy?". 

 A translation of the book can be found here and on the Internet Archive.

When reading Professor Jaspers' book, please replace the word "man" with "human" where appropriate.

On becoming wise

What are the philosophical questions that are important to you?

The following may be important or of interest to you:
  • What should I do during my lifetime?
  • What is the purpose of life? 
  • What should I try to get from life?
  • Why is life so terrible for me?
  • Why should one do philosophy?
  • How can I tell if something is true or false?
  • How do I decide what is good and what is bad?
  • How do I decide what or who is more believable?
  • How do I live a good life?
  • How can I be a good person?
  • How can I be free?
  • How can I be rich and happy?
These are examples of questions that philosophers might investigate.  These questions have no single correct answer.  If you are interested in questions like these, or what others might think, then I believe you are on your way to becoming a philosopher.

If you just want to know the Answer, then you need to listen to Leonard Cohen in this video the Tower of Song.  It's a lovely song. 😉😆

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