Monday, 2 October 2023

Exploring the mental world of the 3 worlds model


Are Brain and Mind the Same Thing? | Episode 1005 | Closer To Truth

The 3 Worlds and the 3 Mysteries

The 3 worlds, and the interactions between the 3 worlds, are mysterious.  The video above explores the question "Are the brain and mind the same thing?".  That is a question about the mind, which is the mental world, and the brain, which is part of the physical world.  

The video above discusses the possibility that the mind is an illusion.  If so, what roles do the physical world and the platonic mathematical world play in forming this illusion?

Are the 3 worlds real and do they exist in reality or in our imagination? 

Some more questions on the 3 worlds might be:

  • What is the physical world really like and how does it come into existence?
  • Am I my mind, my brain or my body?
  • How does consciousness come about?
  • If there is no physical world, and therefore no mental world, does the platonic mathematical world still exist? 

Does the Platonic Mathematical World exist independently?

The following is an answer from Bing/ChatGBT to the last question above.

There is no definitive answer to it, but I will try to give you some possible perspectives based on the information I found.

One perspective is that the Platonic mathematical world is independent of the physical and mental worlds, and therefore would still exist even if they did not. This is based on the idea that mathematical entities are abstract objects, which are asserted to exist in a third realm distinct from both the sensible external world and from the internal world of consciousness². According to this view, mathematical entities are not affected by any mental or physical activities of human beings, and they have their own intrinsic properties and relations that are discovered by reason. For example, a platonist might assert that the number pi exists outside of space and time and has the characteristics it does regardless of any mental or physical activities of human beings².

Another perspective is that the Platonic mathematical world is dependent on the mental world, and therefore would not exist without it. This is based on the idea that mathematical entities are products of human imagination, creativity, and intuition, and that they have no objective existence outside of our minds. According to this view, mathematical entities are not discovered by reason, but invented by human beings to describe and understand the physical world. For example, a non-platonist might argue that the number pi is a useful concept that we have created to measure the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, but it has no reality beyond our minds.

A third perspective is that the Platonic mathematical world is dependent on the physical world, and therefore would not exist without it. This is based on the idea that mathematical entities are reflections of the geometry of fundamental spacetime, which supports non-computational thinking. According to this view, mathematical entities are not abstract objects, but concrete structures that are embedded in the fabric of reality. For example, a Penrose-Lucas argument might suggest that the Platonic mathematical world corresponds to the geometry of fundamental spacetime that is claimed to support non-computational thinking³.

These are just some possible perspectives on your question, and there may be others that I have not considered. I hope this helps you to explore this fascinating topic further. 😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 02/10/2023

(1) Platonism, Mathematical | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

(2) Penrose–Lucas argument - Wikipedia.

(3) Platonism - Wikipedia.

(4) Plato’s mathematics -

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