Wednesday 22 February 2023

Amazonian tribes and Rupert Spira - contribution from class member


Most of the class today were clearly aware of the Piraha tribe who have no numbers. I was not aware of these till now and the tribe I knew of were the Amondawa who have no concept of time.

Both Amazonian tribes evolved in isolation.

Both very interesting.

marian - 15/2/23


This clip above from Rupert Spira sort of parallels our discussion today in class (about Zhuangzi Chapter 2 - Making all things equal) and is why I raised his name with Ken.

It is one way of viewing the this/that and what happens before/after that distinction.

marian - 22/2/23


Ooops this has got me watching more Spira and this might be a more pertinent clip???

marian - 24/2/23

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