Wednesday 24 November 2021

Outdoor Class 24/11/21

Today's class outdoors class will go ahead at the back of U3A Hub.   The weather forecast is for light rain.  The BBQ area has shelter and also we can use the covered area at the back of the U3A Hub if we think that area is better. 

Details are as follows:

Date:  Wednesday 24/11/2021

Time: 12:30 ~2:00 pm (you may wish to stay a bit longer to have a chat after class.)

Location: The BBQ area behind Nunawading U3A Hub (please see pictures below).  If you drive into the main car park, there is a path on the right hand side (West side).  The BBQ area is at the top of the path.   We should also be able to use the covered area at the back of the Hub as well, if we think that area is better.

Things to bring:  Please BYO everything you need for outdoor class/picnic yourself.  So please bring your own folding chairs.  If you do not have one, let me know.  I have some spare ones.  We can also borrow chairs from U3A.  Bring snacks and drinks too.

Weather:  The weather forecast is for light rain.  It should be OK for the class to go ahead.

Topic for discussion:  We will discuss John Rawls.  Please see attached.  Helen will take this class and she has some hard copies printed. 



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