Monday 14 November 2022

Heraclitus and the Ionian Philosophers


For this Wednesday's class (16/11/22), we will discuss the philosophy of Heraclitus and some of the other Ionian Philosophers.  The above Youtube video gives an introduction to Heraclitus.  

The following articles discuss the Ionian Philosophers:

Tuesday 8 November 2022

The Presocratic Philosophers


We will be looking at the Presocratic Philosophers for the remainder of this term.  The video above gives an introduction to the Presocratic Philosophers.

The following is the playlist of videos of Presocratic Philosophers from the Academy of Ideas:

The part of the chart on Western Philosophy relating to the Presocratics is attached below:

What is free will?

  Photo by Khashayar Kouchpeydeh on Unsplash Philosophy Now Article Please find the following article: - What is Free Will? Some Questions f...