Wednesday, 22 June 2022

More on Free Will and Freedom


Do we have Free Will? by Swami Sarvapriyananda

In today's class (22/6/22), we continued our discussion on Free Will based on the above video.  

We will continue our discussion on Free Will next term.  The documents below should help us with our discussion:

Friday, 3 June 2022

Being alive - can we be free?


Philosophy Vibe: Free Will and Determinism

Liberty and freedom are often mentioned in the news and everyday discussion.  However, if we can't even think freely, if we do not have free will, then how can we be truly free in anything anyway?  

Artificial intelligence (AI) and robots can do virtually everything that human can do, and generally can do it better.  Do human brains just run like computer programs anyway?  Perhaps the reason that people think differently is because they have different computer programming codes?  Is free will just an illusion?

You may find the following videos on free will also interesting:

Do We Have Free Will? - Philosophy Tube 

Christof Koch - Can Brains Have Free Will?

Thalia Wheatley - Philosophy of Free Will

Thursday, 2 June 2022

Being alive - Do we have souls?


L3. Arguments for the existence of the soul, Part I

For the next few classes, we will attempt to answer the question: "Do we have souls?".  We will consider the arguments for and against having souls. In addition to the above video, we will based our discussion on the following videos:

L5. Arguments for the existence of the soul, Part III: Free will and near-death experiences 

The transcripts for the above videos are attached below:

L3 transcript 

L4 transcript 

L5 transcript , figure 5


Being alive - What am I?


2. The nature of persons: dualism vs. physicalism

For this term (term 2 of 2022),  the theme of our discussion is "Being Alive".  Much of our discussion will be based on a series of lectures by Professor Shelley Kagan at Yale University.  Our first discussion topic is "What am I?".  

The transcript of the lecture is attached here.

Logical reasoning exercises

Do they contain arguments? How do we identify arguments in real life? There are no easy mechanical rules, and we usually have to rely on the...