Saturday, 23 October 2021


Like freedom, democracy is very relevant to what is happening in the world now.  The following video from Philosophy Tube discusses the many questions about democracy:

The article on "Democracy" in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy provides useful material on the topic.

Some questions are:
  • What is democracy?
  • What are the characteristics of a democracy?
  • How is democracy a good thing?
  • Can leaders be trained? Who decides the curriculum?
  • What qualities should leaders of democracies have?
  • How do we get good leaders rather than people who are just good at winning elections?
  • Who can vote?  Should criminals and billionaires be excluded?
  • Should there be compulsory voting?
  • Are values of votes the same?  If not, is it fair that a high value vote is worth the same as a low one?
  • Many organisations, like the armed forces and corporations, are not democratic; why do we accept these non-democratic organisations?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of democracies?
  • How and why do democracies fail?
  • What can we do to improve our democracy?

Wednesday, 6 October 2021

John Stuart Mill's On Liberty


The ABC Philosopher Zone discusses John Stuart Mill's essay "On Liberty" back in 2009 on the 150th anniversary of its publication.  The guest was John Skorupski, Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of St Andrews, Scotland.

The Philosopher Zone program, which was broadcast on 5 Sep 2009, can be found below: 

The program addresses questions like:

  • What was the background in which the book was written?
  • What were the issues about which Mill was concerned?
  • What was the harm principle promoted by Mill?
  • Mill was well known as a utilitarian. How can that cohere with his view on liberty?
  • What are some of the criticisms of Mill's On Liberty?
  • Are freedom and cooperation conflicting concepts?
  • How can the states of Australia improve their cooperation?
  • How can citizens of a state improve their cooperation?
  • If a group of people/entities voluntarily give up a lot of freedom to form the group, is it morally wrong?
  • Is it morally wrong for a state or an organisation to impose strict laws or rules on its citizens or members? 

Logical reasoning exercises

Do they contain arguments? How do we identify arguments in real life? There are no easy mechanical rules, and we usually have to rely on the...